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UKRMP “Smart Materials” Hub announced
Professor Stevens, Announcements Akemi Nogiwa Professor Stevens, Announcements Akemi Nogiwa

UKRMP “Smart Materials” Hub announced

Molly Stevens is Director of the recently awarded UK Regenerative Medicine Platform (UKRMP) "Acellular Materials / Smart Materials - 3D Architecture" Hub. This Smart Materials Hub involves 9 other UK-based Universities and aims towards materials-based approaches that support regenerative therapies. The Hub has been awarded £4 million from the UKRMP and is for 5 years.

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BioCeramic Therapeutics Ltd. receives first financing round
Announcements Akemi Nogiwa Announcements Akemi Nogiwa

BioCeramic Therapeutics Ltd. receives first financing round

BioCeramic Therapeutics Ltd, a spin-out company from Imperial College co-founded by Dr Molly Stevens and Professor Robert Hill, receives its first financing round.
This funding will enable the company to press forward with its plans to develop a range of bioceramic and nanostructured scaffold products, designed to help patients suffering from musculoskeletal conditions.

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