Professor Dame Molly Stevens FREng FRS
Molly Stevens is John Black Professor of Bionanoscience at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics at the University of Oxford, and Deputy Director of the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery. She is also part-time Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine and the Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences in the Department of Materials, Department of Bioengineering and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London, and part-time Professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
Academic background.
Molly graduated with a First Class Honours BPharm degree from Bath University in 1995 and a PhD from the Laboratory of Biophysics and Surface Analysis at the University of Nottingham in 2001. After postdoctoral research at the Langer group in MIT, she joined Imperial in 2004 as a lecturer and was promoted to Professor in 2008 as one of the youngest Professors ever in the history of the institution. In 2023, Molly was appointed John Black Professor of Bionanoscience at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics at the University of Oxford, and Deputy Director of the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery.
The Stevens Group.
Founded in 2004, The Stevens Group is a large, diverse, multidisciplinary research group of Masters students, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers.
The group have published over 430 peer-reviewed publications, and are very active in the translation of innovations to impact patient care.
Societies & Leadership.
Professor Stevens is Fellow of 8 UK Societies including the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering. In 2019, she was elected Foreign Member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA) and, in 2022, she was elected Internation Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
She holds numerous leadership positions. She is Director of the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform “Smart Materials” Hub, Deputy Director of the EPSRC funded Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases, Associate Director of the British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence, previous member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council for Advanced Materials, Scientist Trustee of the National Gallery (London, UK) and Associate Editor of ACS Nano, amongst many other roles.
Global Health Impact.
Molly is a passionate advocate for the democratisation of medicine and accessibility of healthcare to all.
In 2020 she spoke at the World Economic Forum on Biosensors and the Future of Diagnostics, and shared her vision for democratic global health.
Click play on the video opposite to watch the talk.
Molly disseminates The Stevens Group’s science through TV, radio, print media, public talks and exhibitions. She served for six years on the Advisory Board for London’s Science Museum and has been personally featured in numerous articles.
Honours & Awards.
Novo Nordisk Prize (2023)
Elected International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2022)
MRS Mid-Career Researcher Award (2022)
Mabel Fitzgerald Prize, University of Oxford (2021)
FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award (2021)
IET Medal for Biomedical Engineering (2020)
Elected fellow of The Royal Society (2020)
Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal (2020)
Award in Colloid Chemistry, American Chemical Society (2020)
Kabiller Young Investigator’s Award in Nanoscience and Nanomedicine, Northwestern (2019)
Honorary Doctorate, University of Bath (2019)
Surfaces and Interfaces Award, Royal Society of Chemistry (2019)
John J. Ryan Distinguished Guest Lecture Medal, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2019)
Foreign Member of the National Academy of Engineering (2019)
Rosalind Franklin Medal and Prize, Institute of Physics (2018)
Polymer Technology Netherlands Medema Lecture Award (2018)
Marshall R. Urist Award, Orthopaedics Research Society (2018)
Harrison Medal, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2017)
Imperial College President’s Award and Medal for Outstanding Research Team (2016)
Clemson Award for Basic Research, Society for Biomaterials (2016)
Research Group of the Year, European Life Science Awards (2014)
Corday-Morgan Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry (2014)
Karen Burt Award, Women’s Engineering Society (2013)
EU-40 Prize, The European Materials Research Society (2012)
Griffith Medal and Prize, Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining (2012)
Clifford Paterson Lecture Award, The Royal Society (2012)
Wain Medal Award Lecture, University of Kent (2011)
Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Controlled Release Society (2011)
Rosenhain Medal and Prize, IOM3 (2010)
Norman Heatley Award, Royal Society of Chemistry (2010)
IUPAC - Polymer International Award for Creativity in Polymer Science, IUPAC - Polymer International (2010)
ACES Amgen Life Sciences Award, Science Business Innovation Board (2009)
Jean Leray Award, European Society for Biomaterials (2009)
Tissue and Cell Engineering Society Young Investigator Award, Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (2007)
Science Medal, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2006)
Philip Leverhulme Prize, Leverhulme Trust (2005)
Rectors Award for Excellence, Imperial College London (2005)
TR100 (Top 100 Young Innovators), Technology Review (2004)
Ronald Belcher Memorial Lecture Award, Royal Society of Chemistry (2000)
Upjohn Award, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals (1996)
Janssen Prize, University of Bath (1995)